This episode of Arthritis At Home features Ms. Ellen Wang, ACE’s programs coordinator and physiotherapy-health literacy PhD student.
The webinar features a 45-minute presentation, followed by a 15-minute question and answer period.
This episode of Arthritis At Home features ACE President, Cheryl Koehn, and VP of Communications and Public Affairs, Kelly Lendvoy.
A new education course informed by the specific exercise needs of people living with arthritis and developed in partnership with exercise experts trained in the…
This episode of Arthritis At Home features Dr. Derin Karacabeyli, rheumatology resident at the University of British Columbia.
This episode of Arthritis At Home features Dr. Jasmin Ma, Assistant Professor of Teaching in the School of Kinesiology at the University of British Columbia.
This episode of Arthritis At Home features Dr. Jillian Horton, award-winning medical educator, writer, and keynote speaker at this year’s CRA & AHPA Scientific Meeting.